Welcome to Pilates With Cassie
What is ‘Pilates With Cassie’ all about?

The focus on strength, balance & flexibility.
Pilates is one of my favourite things! It is a gentle, low-impact exercise suitable for everyBODY. It helps to strengthen, lengthen and re-balance the body. At the heart of Pilates is our deeper core, made up of many muscles in the back, tummy and pelvis. By connecting with these muscles again we can help to reduce strain on the body and move a little easier with better support. Team this deeper core strength with stable joints, flexibility, better breathing and a mind-body connection and there you have the basics of ‘Pilates with Cassie’ and a path to an improved body awareness and general well-being. It was developed by German-born Joseph Pilates in the 1920’s, who believed mental and physical health were closely connected. His method was influenced by western forms of exercise, including gymnastics, boxing and earlier forms of wrestling.
Learn Your Pilates Moves
Practice some of my favourite moves along with me in the videos below.
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